AWS Optimisation and Licensing Assessment

Save money on your AWS spend.

If you like saving money, the OLA is for you. The AWS Optimisation and Licensing Assessment (OLA) is a programme that offers a comprehensive price and efficiency evaluation of cloud environments. The OLA can be run against existing AWS accounts, or your on-premises infrastructure before a migration to the cloud.

Significant price savings can be achieved, typically through the right size of infrastructure and the removal/reduction of third party licences where possible.

Request your FREE AWS Assessment today!

Why run a cost analysis assessment?

Work with us
  • This assessment can uncover unused resources, suggest rightsizing instances, and recommend cost-saving measures.

  • Assessing your AWS setup can reveal opportunities to enhance performance by optimising configurations, improving resource allocation, and implementing best practices.

  • Ensuring compliance with AWS licensing agreements is crucial to avoid legal and financial penalties.

  • Assessing your AWS environment can help identify security vulnerabilities and gaps in your infrastructure, ensuring that proper security measures are in place to protect your data and applications.

  • Analysing resource utilisation can help ensure that you are effectively utilising your AWS resources, avoiding over-provisioning or underutilization, which can lead to wasted resources and increased costs.